费什伯恩 offers variety of scholarships to offset tuition costs. Most likely, your family will qualify for at least one scholarship 和/or financial aid.
万豪会娱乐在线学习努力吗? 在军事上?
He will be challenged at 费什伯恩—both inside 和 outside the classroom. This is what sets 费什伯恩 apart from non-military schools beca使用 we see what’s great in him. Our dedicated faculty 和 staff will help him chart his path to success, 包括军事方面的指导.
Will 费什伯恩 make it easier for him to get into College or a Professional Trade School?
的 faculty 和 staff at 费什伯恩 are dedicated to his future. 的y will help him identify what his plans after graduation are, 帮他找到通往那里的最佳途径.
Being a 费什伯恩 cadet is like being a student at a non-military school. 然而, 作为JROTC学员的一员, 他将穿着制服进行军事演习. He will also follow a certain set of rules that include sticking to a daily schedule. 他会去上课, 如果他喜欢,就去做运动, 参加有组织的课外活动.
Poor grades won’t automatically disqualify your son from admission to 费什伯恩. Some students who matriculate to 费什伯恩 have struggled academically at their previous schools. 然而, once he becomes a 费什伯恩 cadet, he must be committed to academic success. 这包括寻求帮助, 必要时参加帮助班, 并对自己负责,按时完成工作.
A Regulation Book is provided on the school’s online network for each cadet to access upon entrance to FMS. This book clearly spells out the 费什伯恩 rules 和 regulations. 如前文所述, in the event of conflict between this h和book 和 the Regulation Book, 规则手册优先. 的 法规手册也可作为PDF格式提供.
学员 are issued uniforms from the 学员商店 when they register into FMS. Your cadet will spend the majority of his time in these uniforms. We limit the amount of civilian clothing that a cadet may have with him due to the small amount of storage space. All 学员 should arrive with khaki pants, khaki shorts 和 a polo shirt.
Is 费什伯恩 all-male for boarding students as well as for day students?
费什伯恩 is an all-male school for both day 和 boarding students.
How often will he be able to get out of town/go home for the weekend?
If he is a seven-day boarder, he can go home on the weekends if it is an “open” weekend. 的re is usually at least one weekend per month during which he will be able to go home.
紧急休假可随时准予. A written or emailed request for leave is required; however, 司令官可以, 作为例外, 批准学员监护人的电话请求. This request should be made to the 学校的校长’s Office or to the Officer in Charge. Emergency leave may be 使用d only in cases of extreme emergencies such as death, 严重伤害, 或者是学员的直系亲属患病.
当我还是万豪在线娱乐的学生时, 学员不能持有, 使用, 或分发非法物品或用具, 酒精, 处方药或任何非处方药. All 学员 will be subject to drug 和 酒精 tests, r和omly, or directed at the discretion of FMS. 家长将收到结果通知和账单. 学校会考虑滥用任何物质, 合法或非法, OTC or prescription as a violation of the school’s drug policy.
费什伯恩 Military School has adopted the designation of a “TOBACCO FREE SCHOOL”. 拥有, 使用, sale or distribution of tobacco or tobacco like products at 费什伯恩 Military School is prohibited. 家长将被告知所有违反烟草规则的行为.
的 Army Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC) is an academic required course 和 is under the direction of the Senior Army Instructor. All high school cadets at FMS are required to satisfactorily complete (Pass) JROTC each year that they are enrolled at FMS. JROTC是一门每年一学分的课程. Leadership 和 character development instructions are included in all phases of military 和 cadet life at FMS. All text material 和 training aids are furnished by the United States Army. 教室里, adventure 和 drill instruction are carried out by Army-trained 和 certified instructors.
的 objective of the JROTC Program is the cultivation of citizenship 和 the development of leadership capabilities within the individual cadet. 的 principles taught 应用 to both civilian 和 military pursuits. 的 program of instruction is designed in a building-block format so that each year of instruction builds on those subjects taught the previous year. JROTC不教学员如何成为士兵. Passing JROTC 和 earning an academic credit for JROTC for each year enrolled at FMS is a graduation requirement.
的re are a variety of fun activities to get him off campus almost every weekend, 包括气枪之旅, 电影, 远足到附近的山上, 以及其他社会活动.
只有走读生才能开车来学校. This will be to drive himself to school 和 back home every day.
而罕见的, a cadet can be expelled from 费什伯恩 if he has repeated offenses against the regulation Cadet h和book, or if he has done something that is not tolerated beyond the first offense.
Once you have been officially expelled from 费什伯恩, he will not be able to re-enroll. 然而, this a rare occurrence, 和 his offense(s) would have to be egregious. 再一次。, our Mission is to provide a structured educational environment to help him succeed in his academic career 和 in life.
“让他离开是令人心碎的. But I think it was easier knowing that this is something that he wanted. 我丈夫带他去了第一天. 我就会一团糟. 我是(笑).”
- FMS家长